Thursday, October 1, 2009

Makin' Movies

I had the priviledge of being able to watch the videos of Leah, Daren, Kaitlin, Lauryn, Kellie and Mariah. I was amazed at the creativity and the amazing ability to choose, take and make pictures.
The difficulty of making movies in the Elementary Schools will be that students will be on so many different levels - even more than our college class had. There will be students that have a lot more experience than I have had and students that have never had access to computers. I will have to teach the different skills, and while I know that students should learn the technological skills, I will be too tempted to do all of the movie making myself. It would also be hard in many schools to be allowed enough time to enough computers. The classrooms rarely have more than two or three computers for students access, and if students have to take turns all the time, it will take away from class time.
However, I believe if I can make it work, I will, for it is an important skill and will be a better way to teach many objectives.

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