Thursday, September 3, 2009

Technology in the Life of Janae

I am fortunate in the fact that I was introduced to technology in my infancy. While, yes, I didn't quite understand what it was at that point, it is crucial in the fact that my father, an ever tech savy, updated individual, has been a lifelong example.
In my early years of childhood there was a black-and-green ancient Mac in my playroom, where I learned how to function a computer and loved to play games and make pictures with an early version of a program like paint. When I discovered that most of my friends did not have computers in their homes I was confused, as I grew up thinking it was a common thing to have a computer. As soon as computers began to be a common household item, my father updated our computer to and began to educate me in the workings of Microsoft Office. In elementary school I was first introduced to touch typing and began my career in typing up schoolwork. At the age of 11 I was allowed to get an e-mail address for the first time. It wasn't until middle school that I became immersed in the internet and now cannot live without it. Throughout high school I was introduced to new things on the internet for journalism and to better improve my research. Since then I have added a new e-mail account, facebook and just a couple of months ago began blogging for the first time. Out of all of my experiences, the one that will always be the most memorable was my early days in elementary
school playing Oregon Trail in computer lab!


  1. Here's our other group member:

    Kellie Cash

  2. Wow! I love your background. It is great to have you in class.

    Are you sure that is what Oregon Trail looked like? I remember it being much cooler and more state of the art than that picture. :)

