Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The overall principle to be learned from TPACK is the importance of balance in teaching. The three areas TPACK focuses on is technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. All three must exist to have the best teaching. If a teacher only has content knowledge, then while the students may recieve all the information they need and more, it will not be recieved well because the teacher does not know the methods used for best teaching children. If there is technology and nothing else, then a student may know how to use a computer and other devices, but will never learn what they are supposed to. Even two combined does not work. If a teacher has content and pedagogy, but not technology, he/she will not be able to relate as well to students of this technological day in age and will not be able to prepare students for the technology that will be vital to prepare them for what will come in the future. Only content and technology, and so on will not give the best education possible. Each of the three are vital tools and should be part of a teacher's training as well as be incorporated into the lessons taught to the students.

Image of TPACK symbol found out:

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts and use of the image. And you even put its citation!

    Good work,

